At MARUTSCA.COM, we design unique, timeless and effortless pieces which people can wear again and again and for years to come. We prefer using eco-friendly, predominantly pure LINEN fabrics.

Here are the 6 REASONS why we’ve made the decision to DITCH FAST FASHION. Maybe YOU will re-consider too?
- While Fast Fashion is often cheaply made and designed to last for only one season.
- Furthermore we have over-production to justify numbers and turnover, which leads to unnecessary dumping of clothes and environmental pollution.
- It exploits garment workers and has claimed the lives of many, including children working in factories to supply the demand.
- The textile manufacturing processes are often harmful to our planet and sometimes deadly to animals.
- FAST FASHION designers are notorious for copying lesser known design studios. We are “lesser known” because we stay small and sustainable by producing small units for our online store.
- While FAST FASHION is responsible for creating a THROW-AWAY MENTALITY, which makes us believe we need to constantly buy more. Have YOU ever taken a minute to think where “AWAY” is? It does not exist?
Here’s WHAT we at MARUTSCA.COM are doing in supporting a more conscious consumer pattern because we believe in fashion where you need less an have more opportunities.
- We designed a SMALL COLLECTION of basic pieces which can form the building blocks and support any wardrobe – a bit like LEGO, really. With BASIC, neutral pieces in your wardrobe you have a smaller wardrobe. However on the plus side, you’ll have far more possibilities and a whole lot more flexibility. Add a colour or a scarf and put your personal stamp on your own styling.
- We took the pressure of producing more and more off! Because we put limits on the quantity we produce, taking into consideration lead times, fabric delivery, and our creative collaborations with our textile designers. In contrast to most printing , we still do silk screen printing by hand.
- We design with the concept of natural time cycles, and incorporate them into design and our hand-made processes. (YES! Believe it not, we sew our buttons on by hand.)

- Some of our styles require fraying, this is done by hand, in contrast to fast fashion, no severe processes other than capable hands working together are engaged.
- Each of the stages our garments go through should be enjoyable, therefor we apply the HADO principle to the creation process because it’s in the creation of each garment that we connect and find balance.

Certainly, even today, after 7 years of working with the same fabric mill, the same fabric quality, we are still in awe when we roll out our fabrics for cutting. We still think “so beautiful”.
For that reason, we use a quality so divine that it is timeless and and you & me, the wearer benefits the most by wearing linen, real linen.

“Above all, let’s do what we LOVE and let’s DO a LOT of IT” (The LOVING part … that is. 😉
LOVE and light,

7 Comments on “Why we choose to invest in a slower life quality …finally.”
Yes, I’m a consiuos consumer,
glad to know there is more around. It’s about common sense really.
Ciao, thank you,
Hi Thomas,
Thank you for reaching out, lovely to know people do care about what we leave behind on our planet.
Much appreciated,
Take care,
The M-Team
I LOVE Linen. How do I see your range?
Hallo Anneli,
Thank you for your mail, you can view our basic building blocks online at … details on each garment is shown up on the right hand corner by means of you clicking onto the little blocks to open up full scale … the fabric selection is also available per each garment.
The basic collection will always be available, they are the building blocks of any wardrobe,
mix it in with your existing clothes and you’ll find many solutions to creating your own style.
Hope this info helps you to look at our collection, “new releases” will be added and will appear three to four times a year … always in linen, could be different from our basic fabric selection, and only available for a period because we produce small runs. We support sustainability.
Take care,
The M-Team.
Hi there,
Anneli, so sorry that I only found your mail now. I’m hopeless with technology. 😉
If you’re in CT, you can pop in at our Studio in Maitland. On the second floor in the 364 Platform Building in 364 Voortrekker Road.
So happy you love linen! It is such a beautiful fabric.
Take care,
I started to scale down to a capsule cupboard a few years ago and buy quality. Suddenly i have more to wear. I love the feel on my skin and the uniqueness of items. Corlia
Hi Corlia,
Yes, you are GETTING it! We can no longer ignore the effects of massive clothing production and people are returning to realness and authenticity, embracing less that lasts longer and we care for it.
Great stuff! Thank you for sharing,
Take care,
The M-Team